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Cafe Caravan!


Where can you find the best veggie burger in Phoenix? How about some delicious tacos in San Francisco? Curious about the food justice movement in Boulder? Chefs Butterfly and Marie take a cross-country road trip to visit some of America's greatest vegetarian restaurants and share their delectible Solfood along the way. Tune in to get travel secrets and tasty tips that will turn your next vacation in a scrumptious feast! Take a tantalizing journey with Cafe Caravan!

DALLAS, Texas - Switching Gears FREE Pilot Episode!

Albuquerque, NM - La Plazita Institute Sneak Peak

Albuquerque, NM - Squeezed Juice Bar Sneak Peak

Albuquerque, NM - Stella's Sugar Shack Sneak Peak

Denver, CO - Denver ART Museum Sneak Peak

Boulder, CO - The BEET Goes on Sneak Peak

Denver, CO part deux - Nooch's Vegan Market Sneak Peak

Rabbit Pass Sneak Peak

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